– Patricia Valenzuela, presidenta of the Society of Infectious Diseases, warned of the increase in dengue cases in Venezuela. “This is what has been happening, we knew we were expecting this to happen,” said the internist in an interview with Rafael Arráiz Lucca for Onda La Superestación.
She assured that since the end of last year, the Pan American Health Organization had already warned about it. And she pointed out that there has been an increase in the disease caused by the Aedes mosquito and chikungunya in South America, especially in countries like Paraguay, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela.
The non-governmental organization Monitor Salud reported in recent days that 408 cases of dengue have been detected in Caracas so far this year. It also recorded an increase in the average number of cases, going from between 5 and 10 to 30 and 40 each week.
“In the first months of the year, the numbers of cases doubled compared to the same period in 2022. This is being confirmed by the data from Monitor Salud and is closely linked to the increase in the rainy season,” explained Valenzuela.
She also expressed that due to the characteristics of dengue and the vector that carries it, which is the Aedes mosquito, there is usually an increase in transmission in the second half of the year.
Once the disease, whether dengue or chikungunya, is acquired, Valenzuela said that what is recommended to lower fever, muscle pain, joint pain, retroocular pain, and headache is to prevent dehydration in the person. “The elderly easily become dehydrated and so do children, we must watch over them.”
In 2023, the Americas region has experienced a significant increase in dengue cases. So far, more than 3 million new infections have been reported, surpassing the figures from 2019, the year with the highest recorded incidence of this disease in the region, with 3.1 million cases, including 28,203 severe cases and 1,823 deaths.
There is no specific treatment for dengue, and prevention depends on vector control. Measures to control mosquitoes include the use of chemicals such as insecticides and repellents, as well as mechanical methods to remove breeding sites or provide a barrier, such as treated nets, mosquito nets on windows, and protective clothing.
With information from Superaestación Onda.
Esta entrada ha sido publicada el agosto 29, 2023 6:30 pm
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