Categorías: Política - Opinión

Estamos edificando un movimiento social invencible

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María Corina Machado receives support from candidate Freddy Superlano ahead of opposition primaries

In a significant turn of events, María Corina Machado, a candidate in the opposition primaries, received the support of fellow candidate Freddy Superlano. Superlano made the decision to withdraw his own candidacy and endorse Machado, expressing his gratitude for the support that the Voluntad Popular party will provide to her campaign, just nine days before the elections.

During a press conference, Machado spoke about the unstoppable force that is growing every day and the construction of an invincible social movement. She emphasized the magnitude of the responsibility they hold in shaping the lives of millions of Venezuelans, both present and future.

Machado expressed her gratitude to the Voluntad Popular party for their trust and highlighted the importance of building trust within Venezuela. She acknowledged the sacrifices made by Venezuelans who have been persecuted, exiled, imprisoned, or killed, vowing that such injustices will never be allowed in the country. Machado urged Venezuelans to participate in the opposition primaries, even if it means walking to the polling stations due to the scarcity of gasoline, and encouraged them to stay until the final ballot count.

In a surprising announcement, Machado stated that she will not participate in the dialogue between the United States and Venezuela. She emphasized that they do not engage in previous or ongoing dialogues, as a truly clean and free election cannot take place if any citizen is forcibly prevented from being a candidate.

Addressing concerns about her own disqualification, Machado expressed her lack of worry about the issue. She stated that while there will undoubtedly be significant obstacles, her disqualification does not keep her up at night. Machado is determined to continue fighting until the end, alongside her supporters, and believes they will achieve a beautiful victory for the nation.

It is worth noting that Freddy Superlano also highlighted the urgency of lifting political disqualifications against candidates, as it is an essential element for free and transparent elections. He firmly emphasized that no disqualifications should exist.

In the world of Venezuelan politics, these developments are significant and have the potential to shape the outcome of the opposition primaries. The support from Superlano and the determination of Machado demonstrate a united front against the current regime, with hopes of bringing about positive change in the country.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el octubre 13, 2023 12:20 pm

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