Categorías: Política - Opinión

Fotos de la emotiva proclamación de María Corina Machado en compañía de su familia y seguidores

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María Corina Machado, the winner of the opposition primary election in Venezuela, was officially proclaimed as the victor on October 26th. This momentous occasion was attended by the full commission of the National Primary Commission (NPC), including its president, Jesús María Casal, who received a standing ovation from the attendees.

Machado, visibly emotional, expressed her gratitude to her children, her mother, and her late father. It was a rare moment where the typically strong-willed Machado displayed vulnerability. She fought back tears as she spoke about her family.

Seated behind Machado were some of her former competitors in the primary election, who have now become her allies in the united candidacy. Although Carlos Prosperi, an aspirant from the Democratic Action party, was invited to the event, he did not attend. His seat was filled by another individual.

Machado dedicated her victory to the political prisoners, vulnerable individuals, and elderly Venezuelans. After receiving the official proclamation document, she took the microphone to make a few brief statements. The now unified candidate pledged to prioritize the well-being of Venezuelans who are currently suffering and spoke about her commitment to establishing one of the best educational systems in the world.

Machado also addressed the Venezuelan military, assuring them that under her leadership, Venezuela would be sovereign and for the Venezuelan people. Her words were met with applause from the audience.

During the proclamation, Machado also answered questions from attending journalists. One of the topics discussed was her upcoming meeting with Gerardo Blyde, the head of the opposition delegation in the dialogue with the Venezuelan government. Machado stated that the meeting with Blyde would take place in the coming hours and condemned the recent attacks on the primary election and the members of the NPC.

When asked about the possibility of early presidential elections in October 2024, Machado expressed confidence in her campaign’s readiness and stated that she would emerge victorious if the government decides to advance the elections. She humorously added, “If they want to advance them, go ahead. But I wouldn’t recommend it.”

Machado also addressed her meetings with diplomatic bodies in the country, emphasizing their confidential nature. When questioned about a potential debate with President Nicolás Maduro, Machado jokingly challenged him, saying she was ready to participate if journalists organized it and set a date.

Overall, the proclamation event showcased Machado’s gratitude, commitment to the Venezuelan people, and determination to lead the country towards a better future.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el octubre 26, 2023 1:50 pm

Reporte Confidencial

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