Maduro denounces Israeli genocide against Palestinians
In the latest episode of the program “Con Maduro+,” Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro discussed the dire situation in Gaza with Palestinian Ambassador to Venezuela, Fadi Alzaben. Maduro reiterated his condemnation of the genocide of Palestinians at the hands of Israeli military forces.
“The world needs to wake up, enough of the Palestinian genocide,” Maduro denounced.
In this context, the Venezuelan head of state called on Arab nations and the world to defend the lives of citizens in Gaza.
“This genocide against the Palestinian people touches our hearts as Christians, and in the name of Christ and the Christian peoples of the world, I call on Muslims, Arab nations, and the peoples of the world to raise their voices against the Nazi genocide against the Palestinian people,” the president urged.
Following the Israeli minister’s statements about using an atomic bomb in Gaza, Maduro expressed concern that Israel has sown an ideology of racial hatred and is seeking to eradicate the entire Arab population.
“Furthermore, a minister of the Israeli government says that an atomic bomb should be dropped to kill all Palestinians in Gaza. This has never been heard before, and several governments around the world compare this situation to the Nazi extermination of the noble and beloved Jewish people by the racists and supremacists of that time,” Maduro exclaimed.
Maduro warned that this ideology of hatred “has been sown for 75 years with the support of the West… They have sown an ideology more dangerous than the Nazi ideology.”
Regarding the latest death toll in Gaza, Maduro denounced the following:
“This is the last straw… attacks on hospitals, all hospitals are being bombed, killing the sick, the wounded, the people who are left homeless and seek refuge in hospitals,” he said.
In this episode, Fadi Alzaben, the Palestinian Ambassador to Venezuela, was invited to the program.
First and foremost, the diplomat thanked President Maduro for his unwavering support and solidarity with the Palestinian people.
The ambassador acknowledged that President Maduro “has been one of the first world leaders to send humanitarian aid to Palestine.”
He also took the opportunity to report that in 31 days of attacks and bombings against the Palestinian people, the “infamous Israeli army has killed more than 10,000 people in the Gaza Strip, including over 4,200 children and more than 3,000 women.”
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