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Líderes de Primero Justicia se unirán al referendo sobre el Esequibo para participar activamente

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Marialbert Barrios and Ángel Medina, members of the Primero Justicia party, have announced their intention to participate in the consultative referendum on the Esequibo that will take place on Sunday, December 3rd.

These leaders join other opposition figures such as Henrique Capriles and Andrés Caleca, who have also confirmed their participation in the electoral consultation.

Both Barrios and Medina stated that the vote on the Esequibo is a topic “that cannot fall into political polarization” and emphasized that this election must be a priority on the Venezuelan agenda.

Previously, Henrique Capriles, the main figure of Primero Justicia, confirmed his participation in the electoral event, supporting independent candidate Andrés Caleca, who ran in the opposition primary election.

The Esequibo, an issue that should not fall into polarization, say PJ leaders

Former deputy Marialbert Barrios expressed her opinion on the upcoming consultative referendum on Sunday, December 3rd.

The leader stated that “we must promote popular participation as the true protagonist in matters of the State.” Barrios also emphasized that the election “cannot be about political polarization or the agenda of a party.”

Meanwhile, Ángel Medina, former vice president of Parlatino, indicated that the Venezuelan claim is legitimate and has “all the valid historical and legal arguments.”

Medina recalled that he has spent a large part of his political career working on this issue. “I visited it in 2013 (the Esequibo), this has been a lifelong work and that is why we must go out and vote. There is a lack of state presence in this territory,” he stated in an interview.

Henrique Capriles’ stance is similar to that of the other two leaders. The former Venezuelan presidential candidate (2012 and 2013) stated weeks ago that it was necessary to “defend sovereignty and national territory.”

Andrés Caleca, who competed in the opposition primary election, was one of the first anti-chavismo leaders to express his intention to vote on Sunday, December 3rd.

However, Caleca said he will vote against questions 2, 3, and 5 of the consultation. He also stated that in 2024 he will vote “to remove the worst government in our history from Miraflores.”

Positions of María Corina Machado and Plataforma Unitaria

The winner of the opposition primary election, María Corina Machado, has stated on several occasions that she will not participate in the referendum and indicated that she does not see it as necessary.

Machado asserts that “sovereignty is exercised, sovereignty is not consulted,” and stated that responsibility for this issue cannot be transferred to third parties “and even less to Venezuelans.”

“The referendum on the Esequibo goes beyond a distraction, it is a mistake that not only does not contribute to our best arguments in defense of our territory, but can even harm us in our defense in the International Court of Justice,” Machado said on November 22nd.

Meanwhile, Plataforma Unitaria called a press conference to announce that it invites Venezuelans to exercise their “free will” to decide whether or not to vote in the national consultation.

“Any attempt to create false divisions around this great agreement has no place. From Plataforma Unitaria, we have been and continue to be committed to the defense of our rights over the Esequibo. We believe that, because this is a matter of the highest national interest, it must be kept away from any intention of partisan political gain and must also be free from any commitment to party membership,” the political coalition stated in a press release.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el noviembre 27, 2023 5:30 pm

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