Ileana Márquez, a 27-year-old teacher from Amazonas, was crowned Miss Venezuela 2023 on Thursday. She achieved something no one had ever done before: winning the title after becoming a mother.
Thanks to the rule changes, married women and mothers are now allowed to participate in the country’s most important beauty pageant. This allowed Márquez to celebrate in the “most beautiful night” of the year.
Márquez, representing Amazonas, has an 11-year-old daughter named Guadalupe, who accompanied her during the pageant.
In addition to her role as a teacher in early childhood education, Márquez is committed to promoting support for children and adolescents at risk.
During the question and answer round, the new Miss Venezuela stated that she will promote the recognition of her country’s artistic expressions at the international level through her own contribution as a Venezuelan beauty queen.
Celebration with her daughter
Right after winning, Guadalupe went up on stage to celebrate with her mom.
She wore a red dress just like her mother’s and tearfully laughed with excitement at seeing her mother crowned.
Ileana Márquez’s daughter is a blonde and cheerful girl who has likely inherited her mother’s height, as she is quite tall for her age.
It is worth noting that the new beauty queen did not hide her reality and confessed to becoming a mother at a very young age, just 16 years old.
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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el diciembre 8, 2023 3:40 pm
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