Influencer Laura Mejía Amazes TikTok Users with Water-Based Tattoo Trick
When it comes to TikTok, it seems like nothing can surprise us anymore. From its beginnings, the platform has served as a source of musical inspiration, but nowadays it is also an excellent way to shop or follow all kinds of tutorials.
And it is precisely in this category that a Colombian influencer has emerged, leaving everyone amazed with the trick she demonstrated by getting a water-based tattoo that makes her look taller, and the video has gone viral.
“I don’t know if it works, what do you say?” exclaimed Laura Mejía in the clip posted on January 17th, which has now surpassed 5 million views.
In the video, Mejía demonstrates how the tattoos work and how they are applied.
“These here are fake belly buttons, and they are the new trend that people in Asia are using to look taller,” she exclaimed. “Notice how they place it higher to make the torso look longer, so we’ll give it a try. This is the weirdest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.”
Mejía is not afraid to try new things and showcase them on the internet, something that has become part of her distinctive style. In previous TikToks, she has demonstrated how to apply furry or mermaid nails, among other curious tutorials.
But it’s not all about strange things. Her videos also provide makeup tips for both everyday and special occasions.
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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el febrero 8, 2024 2:28 pm
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