Fallece un migrante venezolano en un trágico accidente en la frontera norte de México

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Tragedy struck on the Chihuahua-Juárez highway in northern Mexico as a Venezuelan migrant lost his life and several other foreign individuals, including a minor, were injured in a car accident that resulted in the vehicle overturning.

According to authorities, the incident took place on the Juárez-Chihuahua stretch of the highway, specifically at kilometer 122, involving a compact car.

During the rescue operation, a young migrant with a traumatic brain injury and a fractured jaw was found and airlifted to a hospital in Chihuahua; his mother also sustained injuries in the accident.

The deceased individual was identified as Luis Pastor Quero, a Venezuelan national, while his brother also suffered head injuries, as reported by the authorities.

A statement highlighted that the Mexican Red Cross provided ground transportation for a patient who was resuscitated at the accident site, prompting a swift mobilization by the Mobility Department for transfer to the Central Hospital.

An officer explained that the driver of the overturned vehicle was voluntarily transporting migrants attempting to reach the border city of Juárez.

Father Juan Carlos López, spokesperson for the Diocese of Ciudad Juárez, expressed sorrow over the accident and attributed it to a humane and unrealistic migration policy.

“It’s very sad, we were watching the images of what happened on the highway: someone losing control and migrants walking along the road suffering the consequences,” the father stated.

He emphasized the lack of access for migrants to commercial air or ground transport, leading them to resort to unsafe options such as walking on the highway or hitchhiking without fully understanding the risks involved.

“We don’t have a legal framework that allows them to have formal official transfers because they can’t identify themselves, use official means of transportation like a truck, bus, those who have been able to benefit know they can take flights,” the father added.

The Friday accident serves as a grim reminder of the perils migrants face on their journey.

“I think this is a reflection that migration isn’t just a drama, it’s not just about moving from one place to another. This drama is compounded by insecurity, violence, the inherent risks of the journey, and the people who harm them,” the diocese spokesperson concluded.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el marzo 23, 2024 1:30 pm

Reporte Confidencial

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