Categorías: Entretenimiento

Thalía alardeó de su soltería en sus redes sociales.

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Thalía caused a stir on social media after stating that she was single, a comment that initially sparked confusion and speculation among her followers about her relationship with Tommy Mottola.

Thalía’s comment, “Being single goes well with my outfit,” accompanied by youthful-style photos, raised questions about the solidity of her marriage to businessman Tommy Mottola, whom she married in 2000.

Comments like, “Is there something you haven’t told us, Thali?”, “So the rumors were true,” “You kept that well hidden,” “Wasn’t Tommy the love of your life?”, “Too pretty to be single,” “Did your husband give you permission to write that?” were among the reactions.

However, Tommy Mottola’s response, consisting of heart and flame emojis in the post, along with Thalía’s subsequent clarification about the context of her statement, reassured the Mexican singer’s fans.

This incident occurred in a context where unfounded rumors of a marital crisis had previously circulated, fueled by alleged links between Mottola and Leslie Shaw, which were categorically denied by those involved.

The mystery surrounding the artist’s marital status was cleared up when it was revealed that her statement was part of the promotion for her collaboration in the music video “Estoy Soltera” alongside Leslie Shaw and Farina.

The situation sparked widespread interest not only in the dynamics between Thalía and Tommy Mottola but also in how celebrities use social media to interact with their followers and promote their work.

The clarification regarding the promotional purpose of Thalía’s comment underscored the importance of not jumping to conclusions based on isolated posts on digital platforms.

The swift response from the public and the subsequent explanation reflect the connection between public figures and their followers, as well as the challenges of effective communication in the digital environment.

Last February, the singer revealed through a video posted on the social media platform TikTok that she suffers from dysgeusia, a condition characterized by a constant salty or metallic taste in the mouth.

“I’m traumatized, I just got confirmation that I have dysgeusia. It’s an alteration of taste with a constant salt, metal 24×7 taste and I can’t stop feeling it,” the artist expressed.

The singer pointed out that the symptoms began in late 2023, but she initially thought it was temporary. After the persistent unpleasant taste, she went for a medical check-up to find out what was happening. She didn’t reveal anything until she had medical confirmation.

“One of the few things that help me is drinking water with lemon, consuming things like vinegar, eating foods with a lot of salt. But it’s strange because my sense of smell is perfect. I can smell everything, taste everything when I eat, but after I stop eating, I have this constant taste in my mouth all the time,” Thalía shared with her fans.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el abril 8, 2024 10:30 am

Reporte Confidencial

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