Categorías: NacionalesPrincipales

Confirman boda de Christian Nodal y Ángela Aguilar

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Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar’s Wedding Confirmed! After strong rumors about the civil wedding that would take place this Wednesday, July 24, between Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar, it seems that the information has been confirmed.

Journalist María Luisa Valdés Doria shared an image where the singer of Dime cómo quieres is seen wearing a white dress, walking with three other people in the garden of a hacienda located near Tequesquitengo, Morelos.

With her back exposed, a long pencil-style skirt, and the singer’s characteristic short slicked-back hair, everything seems to indicate that the couple will indeed join their lives legally.

Christian Nodal and Ángela Aguilar’s Wedding

During their recent trip to Europe, the lovebirds reportedly received a blessing from Pope Francis, supposedly as a prelude to their marriage.

Also during their stay in Rome, a makeup artist specializing in brides shared that he had been doing tests with Flor Silvestre’s granddaughter, and even the image of the supposed engagement ring that the Sonora native would have given to Ángela has circulated widely on social media.

Now, what is being speculated on social media is that during that recent trip, the singers did not get married, but Ángela chose the dress

she would be wearing this afternoon in Morelos.
Nodal and Ángela’s Wedding

It has been reported that one of the few guests at this civil wedding is singer Marc Anthony, who attended the Morelos hacienda with his wife Nadia Ferreira where the ceremony would be taking place. It is said that the Puerto Rican singer will be the godfather of the couple at this important celebration.

The recent instastories by Nadia confirm this information, as she did not share her location but did show videos of a place that matches the rustic and nature-filled ambiance of the hacienda where the singers would be getting married.

Renowned journalist Armando Gallegos also confirmed the information on his Facebook account.

«Confirmed. Ángela Aguilar and Nodal are getting married civilly in Morelos! ‘Ángela Aguilar and Nodal are getting married,’ is what they shout in a town in Morelos where the hacienda is located. People who transported the singer’s family members assured locals that Christian Nodal is saying ‘yes’ to his girlfriend Angelita Aguilar, in the company of their respective parents. Marc Anthony is one of the few guests of the couple.»

However, on social media, the most skeptical believe that this is the filming of a new video for an unreleased song by the couple, or alternatively, a photo shoot for a bridal magazine featuring Pepe Aguilar’s daughter.

With information from Infobae

Read also: The True Identity of Hello Kitty Finally Revealed

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el julio 25, 2024 2:30 am

Reporte Confidencial

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