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Quiénes forman el círculo de poder en torno a Nicolás Maduro en Venezuela

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Maduro’s Inner Circle: The Faces Behind the Venezuelan Government

When Hugo Chávez designated Nicolás Maduro as his successor shortly before his death, doubts arose about whether the former bus driver and unionist would be able to keep the ranks of Chavismo united without the charisma and popularity of the commander.

However, Maduro has been in power for more than ten years without apparent internal challenges within the Chavista ranks, surrounded by figures who were also heirs of Chávez and have remained loyal supporters of a government facing one of the greatest legitimacy crises seen in Latin America in recent times.

Cilia Flores, Diosdado Cabello, Vladimir Padrino, and the Rodriguez siblings, Jorge and Delcy, are considered the most authoritative voices in Maduro’s government, whose re-election for a third term as President of Venezuela is questioned both inside and outside the country.

For over a decade, they have held key positions in the officialdom, not merely as representatives but as influential voices in decision-making.

All but Padrino appear on the list of top leaders of the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela, just behind Maduro and the “eternal leader” Hugo Chávez.

Despite being personally sanctioned by the governments of the United States and the European Union, they reject and question these measures.

BBC Mundo analyzes who some of the key members of Maduro’s power circle in Venezuela are.

Cilia Flores, the “First Combatant”

“First Combatant”, this is how Nicolás Maduro named his partner, Cilia Flores, during the 2013 presidential campaign in Venezuela after Chávez’s death.

Her political career took a turn in 1992 when she joined the legal defense team of the military personnel involved in Chávez’s failed coup.

Since then, she has held various important positions, including being the first woman to preside over the National Assembly and serving as Attorney General of the Republic under Chávez.

In 2018, she was sanctioned by the US Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).

Her family members have also faced sanctions, highlighting their involvement in government affairs and controversies.

Diosdado Cabello

Known as the number two figure in Chavismo, Diosdado Cabello has played significant roles in various government positions.

Despite his military background and involvement in the 1992 coup attempt, Cabello has navigated through different roles, including the presidency of the National Assembly and key ministerial positions.

He has been sanctioned by the US Treasury Department, accused of involvement in drug trafficking and corruption.

Vladimir Padrino

Padrino, one of the longest-serving Defense Ministers in Venezuelan history, has maintained a crucial role within the military establishment.

His career includes involvement in the 2002 coup attempt and subsequent rise to ministerial positions under Chávez and Maduro.

Padrino’s influence within the military and government has been notable, especially in recent years, as Venezuela’s armed forces have expanded their reach into various sectors.

Jorge Rodríguez

Jorge Rodríguez, a key political operator within Maduro’s government, has been involved in various high-profile negotiations and electoral strategies.

His past as a Chávez-era electoral official and subsequent roles in government have solidified his position as a strategic thinker and potential successor to Maduro.

Delcy Rodríguez

Delcy Rodríguez, like her brother Jorge, has been a pivotal figure in Maduro’s administration, holding multiple high-ranking positions and playing a crucial role in both domestic and international affairs.

Her involvement in controversial incidents and international sanctions has not hindered her ascent within the government, showcasing her resilience and operational skills.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el septiembre 6, 2024 9:15 am

Reporte Confidencial

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