John Bolton: Me preocupa que Trump se reúna con Maduro y que se retire de la Otan

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John Bolton, former National Security Advisor to Donald Trump in the White House (2018-2019) and now one of his biggest critics, believes that if the Republican returns to power, he could seek a meeting to negotiate with Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, or withdraw from NATO due to the influence of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This 75-year-old diplomat, considered an interventionist and conservative ‘hawk,’ explains in an interview with EFE what it was like to work with Trump, criticizes the Biden Administration’s plan for Venezuela, and talks about the Iranian plot that sought to assassinate him.

Bolton discusses the crisis with Venezuela

Question: When you were in the White House, you were in charge of the policy towards Venezuela. How do you assess the crisis that has unfolded?

Answer: The Biden Administration made a mistake by lifting sanctions with the promise of free and fair elections. There was never any chance that Maduro would allow it. By granting legitimacy, they threw a lifeline to the regime.

Q: The United States recognizes Edmundo González as the winner, but he is in exile in Spain. Do you see any possibility of him assuming power on January 10 or will it repeat what happened with Juan Guaidó, whom you recognized as president but never had real power?

A: In 2019, Guaidó assumed the interim presidency and there were real efforts that unfortunately failed. But it is very difficult if you are not in the country. I understand the security threat to González and do not criticize his exile because opposition figures remaining in Venezuela are at risk, but it is urgent for other governments to take action.

Q: Do you think the United States should negotiate with Maduro for his exit? There are reports that they may have offered him amnesty.

A: I wouldn’t mind if amnesty was considered as a condition for them to leave, but I don’t think we are in a position of strength. The only negotiation we should have with Maduro is about what he wants to have for lunch on the plane to Cuba.

Q: Trump has not presented any plan for Venezuela. He just says it is a safer country because its criminals have gone to the United States. What would happen if he wins?

A: One of the problems we had in 2019 was that we couldn’t keep Trump focused. He has very little attention span on most things. I’m concerned that someone might suggest he meet with Maduro as he did with Kim Jong-un. I think he could do it. That’s why I’m very worried.

Bolton questions Trump

Q: It is well known that you do not have a good relationship with the former president, who dismissed you in 2019. What was it like to work with him?

A: It was like living inside a pinball machine. He’s not like other presidents. He doesn’t follow a coherent political line. If he is reelected, US foreign policy will be intermittent. Regarding Europe, I’m concerned that he will withdraw from NATO. I’m very concerned about Putin’s ability to influence him.

Q: Trump says he would reach an agreement to end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours.

A: He has no idea what he would do. He thinks he can reach an agreement on anything without having sufficient knowledge.

Q: I understand you will not vote for him.

A: I will not vote for him nor for (vice president and Democratic candidate, Kamala) Harris. It is very sad that in a country of 350 million people, the presidential candidates are those two.

Q: You are a proponent of a tough stance on Iran. Israel is expected to have a strong response to the Iranian attack on October 1. Should any red lines be drawn for the Israelis?

A: I wouldn’t draw any. The greatest threat Iran poses to Israel and the United States is its nuclear program. And the program would be in danger if Israel were to attack it.

Q: I ask you this because Biden has specifically asked Israel to refrain from attacking nuclear facilities.

A: It is a clear mistake by the Administration. Even if Biden thinks it, that should not be said publicly. You cannot tell an enemy like Iran what you are asking your ally to do.

Q: Authorities dismantled an Iranian plot to assassinate you in 2022. How did this threat affect your daily life?

A: I thank Biden for restoring the Secret Service protection I had in the White House. My life has not changed much from when I was in government. What is unacceptable is that a state sponsor of terrorism like Iran threatens officials, former officials, and civilians. It is proof that it is a barbaric government.

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Esta entrada ha sido publicada el octubre 14, 2024 12:45 pm

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